Hasenbeck Files Bill to Prohibit AI Revenge Porn

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Toni Hasenbeck, R-Elgin, has filed legislation to prohibit the sharing of revenge pornography developed through the use of artificial intelligence.
House Bill 1364, which Hasenbeck filed last week, would add sexual content created through artificial intelligence to the statute prohibiting the sharing of revenge pornography. The nonconsensual distribution of pornography with the intent to harass or humiliate the subject became a misdemeanor in 2016.
"AI has its uses, but it also poses very serious threats," Hasenbeck said. "The sharing of revenge pornography, whether real or created by AI, destroys a person's sense of privacy and dignity, wrecks their mental health and ruins lives."
Last year, Hasenbeck passed legislation to include artificial intelligence depictions of a child engaged in sexually explicit content in the definition of "child pornography." After House Bill 3642 took effect on Nov. 1, people using AI to create or view child porn may now be prosecuted.
"The rapid development of AI has brought an equally rapid development of threats," Hasenbeck said. "Anybody with a smartphone could create a deepfake pornography video or photo using a screenshot from someone's social media or dating profile. It's critical that our existing laws keep pace with the risks posed by new technology in order to protect Oklahomans from exploitation and harassment."
HB1364 is eligible for consideration in the upcoming legislative session, which starts Feb. 3.