Grego Passes Veterans' Families First Legislation

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Jim Grego, R-Wilburton, passed the Veterans' Families First bill on the House floor Tuesday afternoon.
House Bill 3747 offers veterans in need of long-term care that are located more than 100 miles from a state veteran's center the option to contract and stay in a local nursing home.
"With the closure of the Talihina Veterans Center in my House district, this displaced several veterans moving them far from their family members," Grego said. "I wanted to ensure they had the option to remain closer to home and those they love. It's important that our veterans receive family support and that we not ask family members to drive long distances to visit their loved ones.
"This should help other veterans throughout our state as well should they be faced with similar circumstances."
Grego said he worked with the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs on the measure. It would require the Oklahoma Veterans Commission to contract with private long-term, skilling nursing facilities to offer services to eligible veterans who live over 100 miles from a state veteran's residence.
The bill passed the House on a vote of 84-10 and now moves to the Senate where it is authored by Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain.