Humphrey Asks DOC Director to Justify Pay Raise

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, on May 29, sent a letter to Oklahoma Department of Corrections Executive Director Steven Harpe asking him again to provide verification of how his $90,000 pay increase was authorized.
Humphrey said in the letter that he's repeatedly asked Harpe for this information. He said he's even provided copies of the Oklahoma Titles and Statutes that outline procedures for increasing a director's pay.
"According to Oklahoma law, such raises must be approved by the Department of Corrections Board and compensation shall be determined by the governor," Humphrey said.
Humphrey said the director told legislators during a budget hearing that he had transferred his salary as director of the Office of Management and Enterprise services to his position as director of DOC. Humphrey said he asked House legal staff to examine the legality of such a move and was provided with statutes confirming the director's pay shall be approved and fixed by the DOC board after being determined by the governor.
"I'm once again politely asking you to provide tangible evidence that you received authorization for this $90,000 pay increase," Humphrey wrote in his letter to Harpe.
As chair of the House Criminal Justice and Corrections Committee and as an elected official, Humphrey said he believes it is his duty to obtain straightforward and rational documentation on this matter. He said if he fails to receive a satisfactory response, he'll be compelled to prepare a probable cause affidavit and publicly request charges be filed for the crime of embezzlement.
A full copy of the letter can be found here: Humphrey_Request_DOC_55cb0d7fa7.pdf (