Humphrey Opposes Oklahoma State Work Permits and Visas Task Force

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, today issued the following statements about the recommendations of the Oklahoma State Work Permits and Visas Task Force, which was created by Gov. Kevin Stitt via an executive order signed April 30.
"I recently was notified about the work of Governor Stitt's Oklahoma State Work Permits and Visas Task Force, which was charged with evaluating and making recommendations to allow immigrants to have visas, permits and documentation to pursue the American dream, contribute to our workforce, and for Oklahoma universities and industries to recruit and legally retain global talent without fear of unnecessary deportation or separation from family safely and legally.
"I lack the vocabulary skills to properly express my anger on this order. The American dream is swiftly being stripped from our children by our own U.S. and state governments. The Oklahoma State Work Permits and Visas Task Force plan appears to do just that: steal Oklahomans’ American dream and give it to illegals. Your state government is greatly concerned about illegals attending college while our own children can no longer afford to obtain a college education. Governor, how about a task force to lower college tuition for Oklahomans? Does Oklahoma really need to recruit illegals to colleges and industries? Why is Oklahoma ignoring our own children and our own workforce? We have thousands of Oklahomans in prisons. Statistics show an inmate trained in an industrial skill is approximately 66% less likely to return to crime, but we offer little training for inmates. We very likely have the worst prisons in the nation, but let’s ignore our prisons and concentrate on bringing more illegals into our state. Couldn’t we establish a task force to teach students the importance of work and earning a living? How about offering Oklahomans incentives to attend college, technology training or to enter the workspace? Governor, don’t incentivize illegals to come to Oklahoma, attend our schools, take our jobs, and hijack Oklahomans’ dreams. Instead, let’s work to stop Oklahoma students and our labor force from leaving our great state to improve earnings.
"Republican’s platforms claim less government and promoting more local government. Yet, I have watched as Republican leadership has grown government more and more while vastly reducing local services. This task force is recommending creating an Office of New Oklahomans to promote interagency coordination and collaboration on issues impacting non-citizens. Once again, we see government growth in action. The task force recommended a new office but failed to report how they intend to fund this new agency to sponsor illegals. If we are going to create a new office, what if we create an office to identify illegal use of state resources? For instance, how much does it cost to educate illegals? How much does incarceration of illegals cost our state? How much do illegals cost our state in terms of medical or human services resources? What is the true cost of illegals on our state budget?
"The task force communicates with one-hundred dollar words, but let me enlighten with the five-cent meanings. The task force recommends empowering employers to help navigate visa types, legal requirements, costs, and credentialing processes, helping international talent to get connected with employment opportunities. That means the government is going to make it legal to give illegals your job. The task force recommends optimizing efficiency for an international talent navigation credentialing processes. That means legalizing policies to allow illegals to work in Oklahoma. The task force recommends issuing driving privilege cards to non-citizens. This means giving illegals a driver’s license.
"I believe Oklahomans want illegals deported, but our state government chooses to focus on how to improve the lives of illegals. Oklahoma has massive government problems. The Oklahoma Department of Human Services has numerous allegations of state facilities allowing physical and sexual abuse of children, placing children in abusive homes, and illegally removing children from homes. The Department of Corrections is likely the worst correctional department in the nation with countless human rights' violations ranging from stabbings, overdoses, murder, covering up rape, locking inmates in cages, withholding food and water, and no bathroom privileges. District attorneys allegedly are using fraudulent illegal fees to fund their offices. Oklahoma is reported to be a red state, but we are one of the most over-regulated states. What is being done about dark money destroying our state’s elections? Many of our state agencies are entangled in alleged misconduct or illegal behavior. With all these issues directly affecting Oklahomans, why concentrate on how to improve the lives of illegals?
"I understand this is a difficult subject. There are many good, hard-working people illegally in Oklahoma. I personally know of families I would be proud to see become citizens. We might discuss having a family sponsor an illegal immigrant for the purpose of work or even citizenship. Helping people who have proven to be good neighbors and hard workers is a very different conversation than giving illegals a driver’s license, helping them attend college, giving them jobs, and promoting illegals to come to our state. The border crisis has created a national catastrophic disaster, and Oklahomans must do our part to combat the invasion of our nation. I encourage Oklahomans to obtain a copy of the task force report and see if it makes you as angry as it did me."