Humphrey Calls on AG to Prosecute Fauci

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, is asking Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond to prosecute former Chief Medical Advisor to the President Anthony Fauci and other federal government officials for their role in COVID-19 protocols.
About a month ago, Humphrey submitted statements of probable cause to Drummond’s Office, which he said detailed criminal violations he and others are accusing Fauci, the Centers for Disease Control and other medical professionals of committing.
"I was fuming when Joe Biden pardoned Anthony Fauci while the U.S. Congress is working to verify the origin of COVID and endeavoring to prove Fauci participated in funding the Chinese lab where COVID was released," Humphrey said. "It's my belief that Fauci lied to Congress about his involvement, and he abused his federal position to present false medical information and intentionally ignored standard medical practice to profit from the death of thousands, including Oklahomans."
Humphrey said he worked with medical professionals and attorneys from across the nation to prepare the statements, which he said outlines Fauci's protocols the group claims ultimately resulted in thousands of COVID-19 deaths. Humphrey said the brief provides "indisputable evidence confirming Fauci and medical experts ignored known science and standard medical procedures." He said the protocols prevented Americans from receiving known accepted medications that he claimed are extremely effective in treating COVID-19. He said the statements also reveal that Fauci replaced accepted medical standards with a fatal COVID-19 protocol. He said the protocol was incentivized in that doctors and hospitals were required to follow it to receive payments. Humphrey said doctors that attempted to use standard proven practices were threatened with revocation of their medical licenses and could not receive payments from insurance or other medical reimbursement methods.
Humphrey said he joined a nationwide team of COVID-19 professionals to use his law enforcement background to prepare the statements, outlining what he said was the criminal conduct of those involved in formulating the COVID-19 protocol.
"Most have heard of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)," Humphrey said. "Oklahoma has a RICO statute. The act covers a multitude of crimes like kidnapping, battery, fraud and extortion. My team alleges all these crimes were committed under the COVID-19 protocols and harmed Oklahoma victims. In addition, the act allows criminal charges to be filed in Oklahoma against someone involved in a criminal enterprise, including someone like Fauci. The presidential pardon does not make Fauci immune from state prosecution.
"I encourage Attorney General Drummond to use the power of his office given to him by the great citizens of Oklahoma to hold all these horrendous villains responsible for the undeniable crimes we say were committed under COVID-19 protocols," Humphrey said. "It is time for our attorney general to dispense some Oklahoma Justice."
Humphrey's documents are linked here: and here: The probable cause statements also can be read here: