Representative Chris Banning

Hi, I'm Chris Banning and I represent the people of Oklahoma's 24th District.


News & Announcements

Jan 29, 2024
Recent Posts

Banning Files Bill to Move School-Board Elections

Rep. Chris Banning, R-Bixby, has filed legislation seeking to change the date of school board elections in Oklahoma. House Bill 3563 would place school board members on the same cycle as House and Senate elections. It would also move three-year terms to two-year terms and five-year terms to four-year terms. "Over the last decade, legislation similar to House Bill 3563 has been proposed," Banning said. "This bill differs from others because of its simplified structure. The goal here is to consolidate elections to save taxpayers' money and increase voter turnout." In the April 2023 Bixby school board election, 2,048 votes were cast out of an estimated 28,962 registered voters, suggesting a voter turnout of around 7%. "As a parent of four children in public education, I realize the importance of community involvement in our public school board elections," Banning said. "House Bill 3563 would streamline the electoral process, making it easier for parents and communities to influence policies that directly impact their children's education." If signed into law, the bill would become effective Nov. 1. The bill will be eligible for consideration during the upcoming legislative session starting Feb. 5.

Jan 17, 2024
Recent Posts

Banning Files Bill to Prohibit Purchase of Foreign-Made Drones

Rep. Chris Banning, R-Bixby, recently filed legislation prohibiting the state of Oklahoma from purchasing drones from covered foreign entities. House Bill 3068 would restrict the state from purchasing or operating small unmanned aircraft systems, known as drones, that are built or assembled by covered foreign entities without specific waivers. "This bill marks a step in safeguarding Oklahoma's interests," Banning said. "House Bill 3068 demonstrates that Oklahoma values the privacy and safety of its residents with its proactive approach to regulating foreign drones." HB3068 categorizes covered foreign entities as those whose names appear on the Consolidated Screening List or Entity List, as designated by the United States Secretary of Commerce, or domicile in the People's Republic of China or the Russian Federation. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services can waive these restrictions after reviewing the necessity to purchase a covered foreign entity-manufactured system due to difficult circumstances, Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems, or criminal investigative purposes. Under HB3068, public entities cannot operate small unmanned aircraft systems from covered foreign entities after May 1, 2027. HB3068 is available to be heard after the legislative session commences on Monday, February 5.

Dec 13, 2023
Recent Posts

Banning Applauds Superintendent for Dropping ALA Guidelines

Rep. Chris Banning, R-Bixby, released a statement applauding State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters for working to eliminate all references to American Library Association guidelines in Oklahoma's Information Literacy Standards and proposing new standards that are aligned with Oklahoma values. "I commend Superintendent Walters for rejecting the American Library Association standards. In my experience with the Superintendent, I have found him to be transparent and forthcoming with information, and we've had a great working relationship. "Walters was sworn into office a mere 11 months ago. He is actively working to enhance our education system, addressing long-standing challenges that desperately need improvement. With just under a year as Superintendent, Walters and his team have implemented a teacher signing bonus, worked with Tulsa Public Schools to improve student outcomes, revised dozens of internal policies, and formed partnerships with organizations that align with Oklahoma values. "I hope all Oklahomans continue to honor and support our teachers. We have incredible teachers who remain dedicated to teaching and providing our students the best possible learning environment. Thank you, teachers. You are greatly appreciated!"